[Tex/LaTex] Placing the name of MOSFET


How can I set the text to be on the right side of the MOSFET?

\begin{tikzpicture}%[circuit ee IEC]
\draw (3.5,14.5)  to [Tnigfete=T]  (3.5,16);

Best Answer

Currently defined as nodes, the old definition is used when you do not want to name each pin. Normally label position is defined by l_= or l^= but for that component it does not work, the definition as a node allows scaling the component. Check page 45 circuiTikZ manual version 0.8.3 .

RESULT: enter image description here




% New version uses a node component definition.:
\draw(0,-0.5) node[nigfete,scale=2] (T1) {}
(T1.bulk) node[anchor=west] {T1}
(T1.G) node[anchor=east] {G}
(T1.D) node[anchor=west] {D}
(T1.S) node[anchor=north] {S};

% You can conect using the node pins labels.
\draw(0,3.5) to [R,l_=R] (T1.D);

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