[Tex/LaTex] Placing the equation number in the left-hand margin


I use


to move my equation numbers into the margins (corporate design), it looks like this:

Equation number in margin

The problem is that apparently this command is also used to make references in the text, so when doing (\ref{equation:label}) I get this:

Bad reference

As you can see, everything behind the ( gets pulled to the left by 3.05cm, as defined above. Is there any way to get the references and equation environment to use different commands for the equation numbers so I can define them the way I need them?


Here is a MWE:



% remove brackets from equation numbers

% Equation numbers

a = b+c

This is a reference (\ref{test})


Best Answer

As you are using mathtools you alredy have all the tools(!) you need. You even invoked the right macro, \newtagform -- in which you can specify how your tags should be formatted:


Doing so, you need to take care \eqref (as it uses \tagform@ which like in the solution of @DavidCarlisle gets redefined; only with less effort ;)

You can use the patch of Davids solution to fix this or define a custom command:


which omits \tagform@. Alternatively you could also \renewcommand\eqref itself to this form (shouldn't be harmfull, but I can't say this for sure now).


Complete code


\newcommand{\myeqref}[1]{\textup{(\ref{#1})}}% or

%for testing purposes


\section{Test section}
\dop^2_p = 2\cdot\dop^2_{\spot}\cdot\bigg(\frac{\Phi}{\Phi_{\low}}\bigg)
This is a reference \myeqref{test}. \lipsum[2]
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