[Tex/LaTex] Placing panel label in the corner of the figure


I am trying to place labels (A, B, C…) onto the top-left corners of subfigures. I tried it with caption/subcaption packages and by defining a negative skip like \captionsetup[sub]{skip=-5pt}, but the labels are typeset under the figure. Here is what I got right now:


    \captionsetup[sub]{labelfont=bf, position=top, 
          singlelinecheck=false, labelformat=simple, skip=-5pt}


    \caption{This is Figure 1.}\label{fig:1}


Label is partially under the image.

As you can see, A and B are hiding behind the grey box, but I would like to have them rendered on top. The desired result would be like this:

enter image description here

What would be the most elegant solution to get the z-order correct?

Best Answer

While slightly overkill, you can use TikZ, along with \phantomsubcaption and \subref, to do this:

output of code

\usepackage{tikz} % loads graphicx and xcolor



  \tikz\node[inner sep=0pt,label={[anchor=north west]north west:\subref{fig:1a}}] {\textcolor{gray}{\rule{5cm}{3cm}}};
  \tikz\node[inner sep=0pt,label={[anchor=north west]north west:\subref{fig:1b}}] {\textcolor{gray}{\rule{5cm}{3cm}}};

  \caption{This is Figure 1.}\label{fig:1}

Or ...

Good ol' picture mode.






\caption{This is Figure 1.}\label{fig:1}