[Tex/LaTex] Placing bibtex entries inline


I would like to place the name and the title of a BibTeX entry inline.

Something like:

[JD2012] John Doe, Title of Paper.

Any Idea?

Best Answer

Biblatex has two macros called \citeauthor and \citetitle which one can use. You can either just write them one after the other or define yourself a new command like the mycite in my code example below:

    author={A. Uthor},
    title = {A neat paper},
    journal = {Some random Journal},
    year = {2013}


\newcommand{\mycite}[1]{\cite{#1} \citeauthor{#1} \citetitle{#1}}

\cite{test} \citeauthor{test} \citetitle{test}



enter image description here

The only missing point is the first name of the Author but maybe you can live with that.

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