[Tex/LaTex] Place image in absolute position independently from text

graphicshorizontal alignment

I am using the Fancy CV tempate and I would like to put an image on the top right corner.

I managed to do that using :


Which produces :

Title with photo

But this moves the rest of the page.

It should be like this :

Without photo

So I was wondering, is there any way to force images and text to be on different layers and force the image to be "floating" (not moving the text)

Best Answer

The tikzpagenodes package is specifically designed for this purpose. You can put just about anything you want in the node, albeit that for more complicated structures it can take a little digging to find out how.

enter image description here




\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.north east)}]
\node[anchor=north east,xshift=-1cm,yshift=-1cm]{\includegraphics[width=1cm]{example-image-a}};
