[Tex/LaTex] Place cited references into the footline of slide


I am using the following code for the references. How can i place cited references into the footline in each slide?

\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[text]}


\bibitem{abc} ABC
\bibitem{def} DEF   



Best Answer

If you want to stay with your manual bibliography, you could do something like


\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[text]}

\begin{frame} blabla\footnote{\cite{abc}} \end{frame}


\bibitem[Smith 2013]{abc} ABC
\bibitem{def} DEF   



enter image description here

However I would suggest to switch to some automatic bibliography tool like biblatex. This will make your life much easier in the long run. It has dedicated commands like \footcite which do exactly what I think you want.


Here is text\footcite{westfahl:space}.

Here is text\footfullcite{westfahl:space}.



enter image description here

Using it for the first time is a bit of works, as you have to make a .bib file with your references in the format of

  author       = {Westfahl, Gary},
  title        = {The True Frontier},
  subtitle     = {Confronting and Avoiding the Realities of Space in {American}
                  Science Fiction Films},
  pages        = {55-65},
  crossref     = {westfahl:frontier},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  indextitle   = {True Frontier, The},
  annotation   = {A cross-referenced article from a \texttt{collection}. This is
                  an \texttt{incollection} entry with a \texttt{crossref}
                  field. Note the \texttt{subtitle} and \texttt{indextitle}

but after this initial work, it does (nearly) everything for you.