[Tex/LaTex] Place a table on a new landscape page in a two column paper


Very related to this question and some of the comments therein, I need to insert a landscape page for a wide table, in a two column document.

As suggested there, I have tried to use


so that the floats were supposed to be flushed in a proper way, but this is not the case. The document still show wrong disposal of the floats and/or blank parts.
I don't know exactly what information I should add here, but I hope this gives the general sense.

Best Answer

Try using the lscape and pdflscape packages (lscape is required by pdflscape).

I'm not sure if you'll need to switch to single column first, if so, I'd do it before and after the landscape commands. Without a MWE from you I'm assuming you use multicols. Before the code below I'd put \end{multicols} and after the text below I'd restart the multiple columns with \begin{multicols}{2}

I use something like the below to have a figure page rotated sideways in a PDF document. Not only is the figure rotated, but the page is readable in the resulting PDF.

\begin{landscape} % begin the rotated content.
\begin{figure} % begin content to include on rotated page.
\begin{centering} % Centre the content (not required), personal preference
\includegraphics{some.pdf} % The acutal content
\par\end{centering} % end the centring (remove if \begin{centering} not used)

\protect\caption{\label{fig:aFig}Some PDF Fig} %figure caption

\end{figure} % end of content
\end{landscape} % end rotating
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