[Tex/LaTex] Piecewise highlighting and dim the previous section/text in beamer


I found a way to piece-wise highlighting in beamer but I also want to dim the previous items as the beamer starts to uncover the newer sections. I have done something like this in powerpoint but stuck on latex beamer. Any help is highly appreciated on how to dim the previous section color.


Best Answer

You can use \setbeamercovered together with overlay specifications; a little example (for further details, please refer to Section 17.6 Transparency Effects of the beamer manual):




\item<1> First itemized item.
\item<2> Second itemized item.
\item<3> Third itemized item.

\setbeamercovered{still covered={\opaqueness<1->{0}},again covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}}}
\onslide<1>{Some initial idea.}

\onslide<2>{An interesting development.}

\onslide<3>{An unusual conclusion.}


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