[Tex/LaTex] pgfplotstable: Conditional post-processing of cell content on a per-column basis


I am trying to add an asterisk to the content of certain cells depending on the cell's content (essentially, adding a marker for significant p-values) but I am having trouble trying to do so on a per-column rather than per-table basis. I adapted an answer to a similar question that colours cells based on their numerical value but that seems to only work when applied to the whole table. If I try to apply the style to a single column (uncommenting the two lines in the example below), I get a Missing number, treated as zero. error that seems to expect a number after the closing square bracket instead of the file name.

\pgfplotstabletypeset [assume math mode=false,
%  columns/a/.style={ % Uncommenting causes #1 to be empty
    postproc cell content/.style={
      /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{%
%  },

Applying postproc cell content/.style to the whole table

This seems to be because, once I wrap the postproc cell content style in a column style, it no longer has access to the contents of that cell. #1, @unprocessed cell content, @cell content after rowcol styles, and @preprocessed cell content all equate to nothing, while @cell content always equates to the content of the very last cell of the whole table.

% #1 is empty when wrapped in a column style
\pgfplotstabletypeset [assume math mode=false,
    postproc cell content/.style={
      /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{#1},

#1 is empty in postproc cell content when wrapped in a column style

% @cell content contains the last cell of the whole table
\pgfplotstabletypeset [assume math mode=false,
    postproc cell content/.style={
      /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/table/@cell content}},

@cell content contains the last cell of the whole table

Results are similar when using .code instead of .style:

% Using .code, @cell content still only contains the very last cell of the table
\pgfplotstabletypeset [assume math mode=false,
    postproc cell content/.code={%
      \pgfkeyssetvalue{/pgfplots/table/@cell content}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/table/@cell content}}%

Using .code instead of .style, @cell content still only contains the very last cell of the table.

Full MWE:


a         b         c         d         e
1.7333    1.6472    1.5418    1.4682    1.5740  
1.1525    1.2878    1.2652    1.3511    1.5102  
1.2181    1.1500    1.2220    1.2425    1.5699  
0.9786    1.1051    1.1472    1.3096    1.6757  
0.9569    0.9190    1.0433    1.2924    1.4867  

  every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
  every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule},


\pgfplotstabletypeset [assume math mode=false,
%  columns/a/.style={
    postproc cell content/.style={
      /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{%
%  },


\pgfplotstabletypeset [assume math mode=false,
    postproc cell content/.style={
      /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/table/@cell content}},


\pgfplotstabletypeset [assume math mode=false,
    postproc cell content/.append code={%
        \pgfkeyssetvalue{/pgfplots/table/@cell content}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/table/@cell content}}%


Best Answer

You can just use ##1 instead of #1 in your first approach:


a         b         c         d         e
1.7333    1.6472    1.5418    1.4682    1.5740  
1.1525    1.2878    1.2652    1.3511    1.5102  
1.2181    1.1500    1.2220    1.2425    1.5699  
0.9786    1.1051    1.1472    1.3096    1.6757  
0.9569    0.9190    1.0433    1.2924    1.4867  

  every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
  every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule},


\pgfplotstabletypeset [assume math mode=false,
    postproc cell content/.style={
      /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{%

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