[Tex/LaTex] pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{choice.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored


when compiling the following document:


\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames,svgnames,table]{xcolor}% see http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor
\usepackage{listings,acronym,bbding, pmboxdraw}
\usepackage{xspace,verbatim} % used to display code



% For the exam package





\qs Which one
\cc According 
\ch For 
\ch IF 
\ch All 

\qs Based on 
\ch mou
\cc ske
\ch s
\ch un

\qs Suppos
\ch $0.67$
\cc $0.56$
\ch $0.48$
\ch $0.64$

\qs You a
\ch $-1/16$
\cc $-1/8$
\ch $-3/16$
\ch $-1/2$


I have tried find ways to get rid of this warning by searching in other places and I have read PDFTeX destination … ignored and the other question in this place pdfTeX warning: destination with same identifier has been already used, duplicate ignored (weird behaviour). What I get is this warning "pdftex warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{choice.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored" which occurs more than 48 times and different from the one already posted. All what I found has name{page.1} or name{theorem.1}

MWE (added by cfr based on Werner's example)

    \choice $0.67$
    \CorrectChoice $0.56$
    \choice $0.48$
    \choice $0.64$
    You a
    \choice $-1/16$
    \choice $-3/16$
    \CorrectChoice $-1/8$
    \choice $-1/2$

Best Answer

It seems that exam has poor compatibility with hyperref.

You just need to add a definition for \theHchoice, so hyperref will pick up this instead of \thechoice. Using \arabic{question}.\arabic{choice} will ensure a unique tag.


%% keep hyperref happy    


    \choice $0.67$
    \CorrectChoice $0.56$
    \choice $0.48$
    \choice $0.64$
    You a
    \choice $-1/16$
    \choice $-3/16$
    \CorrectChoice $-1/8$
    \choice $-1/2$
