[Tex/LaTex] pdftex and javascript forms with automatic calculations


I would like to create a PDF document in TeX with a form. Some of the fields in the form will be calculated based on the values of other fields.

Here is a MWE, thanks to Victor Ivrii on the pdftex mailing list back in 2005:


\TextField[maxlen=40,keystroke={AFNumber_Keystroke(2, 0, 1, 2,

\TextField[maxlen=40,keystroke={AFNumber_Keystroke(2, 0, 1, 2,

\TextField[maxlen=40,keystroke={AFNumber_Keystroke(2, 0, 1, 2, true);},
calculate={AFSimple_Calculate("SUM" , new Array ( "alpha" , "beta" )
;)},  align=2,height=10pt,width=45pt,name=gamma,readonly=true]{Gamma}

The resulting PDF has three fields, and the third is supposed to automatically update to be the sum of the first two. If I compile the document and open in Acrobat, I can edit the first two fields (alpha and beta) but the third (gamma) does not update. No JavaScript errors are thrown.

If I examine the properties of the field gamma in Acrobat, I can see that its calculate property is set to be the sum of the to fields alpha and beta.

Acrobat window and dialog

If I select "Pick…", I'm shown a dialog with the three fields, and alpha and beta are selected. If I deselect and reselect those fields and accept, the form now works as desired (Acrobat-altered document at scribd). The diff command tells me the PDF file has changed but not how.

I have found some discussion about this on the pdftex mailing list, in the above referenced thread and again here. Ralf Uterman apparently posted a patch as a result of the second thread, but as far as I can tell the issue persists. I have tried the eforms package from the AcroTeX bundle as well, but the author writes in the manual that "Calculate works correctly when drivers dvips, dvipsone, or dvipdfm are used." (pdftex is not listed).

Yet I cannot get this to work under any driver. If I use the dvips driver to compile to DVI, then dvips to convert to PostScript, then convert to PDF using either Acrobat Distiller, I get the same non-functioning form as with pdftex. If I use the dvipdf driver, then dvipdf to convert to PDF, all the form elements are unrecognized and ignored.

This document is going to be stamped over a scanned PDF so I really need no other output except the form and some basic marks. So I'm flexible as to engine, driver, etc., but so far I'm not getting anything to work without manual intervention via Acrobat. I'm aware of the related question “ hyperref: how to format text in a forms text-field ” but I can't get the calculations to work in the accepted answer there, either.

Best Answer

Package hyperref 2012/10/12 v6.83i now implements the missing calculation order array in the /Form dictionary for the three driver classes that support PDF forms (pdftex, dvipdfm/xetex, pdfmark/dvips). If a field element contains calculation code, then this field element is automatically added to the calculation order array. Currently only document order is supported.





    var f_alpha = this.getField("alpha");
    var f_beta = this.getField("beta");
    event.value = f_alpha.value + f_beta.value;


Since hyperref 2012/10/13 v6.83j the calculation order can be specified, if pdfTeX is used, from README:

Field option calculatesortkey

Fields with calculated values are calculated in document order by default. If calculated field values depend on other calculated fields that appear later in the document, then the correct calculation order can be specified with option calculatesortkey. Its value is used as key to lexicographically sort the calculated fields. The sort key do not need to be unique. Fields that share the same key are sorted in document order.

Currently the field option calculatesortkey is only supported by
the driver for pdfTeX.

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