[Tex/LaTex] PDFs are not printed with the correct fonts


Using pdflatex I create some official PDFs from LaTeX source with \usepackage{mathpazo} or even just with the normal CM fonts and they look fine on my screen both, in Preview and in Adobe PDF Reader.

However when I am printing them at Officeworks (a stationary and printing shop chain), the fonts are wrong: They get substituted with a generic Helevtica font with different metrics.

How can I make sure that any printer will print my LaTeX PDF correctly?

Best Answer

I do not know which is your system --- in TeXLive pdftex should embed all fonts by default since ages. In the linked article you can see it.

To check, I used this MWE:

This is just an example $a^b-\sqrt{c}$.

and with the utility pdffonts:

[romano:~/tmp] pdffonts example.pdf
name                                 type              encoding         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
ZEXUQE+URWPalladioL-Roma             Type 1            Custom           yes yes no       4  0
QCVMKP+URWPalladioL-Ital             Type 1            Custom           yes yes no       5  0
SVEOTC+CMSY10                        Type 1            Builtin          yes yes no       6  0

which seems to give the correct answer --- look at the "emb" (embedded) column.