[Tex/LaTex] pdfpages remove empty page after included pdf


I have a one-page .pdf file that I need to include in my latex document. The included pdf must be the first page of the document.
Actually I'm using the pdfpages package, but after the included page there is an empty page that I want to remove.

My main .tex file looks like this:




\includepdf{front.pdf}  % one-page external pdf







My output document looks like this:

1. included page from external pdf --> Ok
2. empty page --> I wanna remove it!
3. Table of Content --> Ok
4. Chapters, bibliography, etc. --> Ok

I'm sure that I have to use some options of the \includepdf command, but what options?

Best Answer

You have a twoside layout and so chapters (like the table of contents) start on odd pages. Set the page counter to zero for your front page: \setcounter{page}{0}\includepdf{front}