[Tex/LaTex] PDFLatex: Unable to Generate Index


Master file:


% File Containing All the Control Settings


% Front Cover
\include {Front_Cover/frontcover}

% Chapters
\include {Chapters/CH_Analysis_of_Algorithms/Analysis_of_Algorithms}
\include {Chapters/CH_Abstract_Data_Types/Abstract_Data_Types}
\include {Chapters/CH_Arrays/Arrays}
\include {Chapters/CH_Linked_Lists/Linked_Lists}
\include {Chapters/CH_Stacks/Stacks}
\include  {Bibliography/biblio}

% Index

I compiled it as follows:

$pdflatex master.tex

=> Empty idx file generated

$makeindex master.idx

This is makeindex, version 2.15 [TeX Live 2012] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning input file master.idx…done (0 entries accepted, 0 rejected).
Nothing written in master.ind.
Transcript written in master.ilg.

$pdflatex master.tex

Output: PDF with NO Index.

I am compiling from the command line using pdflatex (don't use latex to avoid boxing issues with graphics)

Please guide me on this issue.

Best Answer

(Just to end this thing:) In your given MWE were two problems:

  1. I can't see that you loads package makeidx. It seems you load it in mystyle.sty (your cited message tells this).
  2. As Heiko mentioned you have no macros \index{...} in your MWE.

A real working MWE for your case would look like this:


\usepackage{makeidx}   % load package
\makeindex             % make file(s) *.idx

Test\index{Test} Text\index{Text|textbf}

\printindex            % print index here

with the result, that everything is working now. Building such a MWE by your own helps you a lot to learn how TeX/LaTeX is working. Hope this helps you.

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