[Tex/LaTex] pdflatex “Required Page Does Not Exist” error with beamerarticle


I have several beamer tex files and need to create a manual (using beamerarticle) that incorporates all of the beamer files (with their notes) as one document. The original basis of the articlebeamer output can be found here: Displaying slides with Beamer and Article class

Right now I have the following:

  • chapter1.tex
  • chapter2.tex
  • chapter1.beamer.tex
  • chapter2.beamer.tex
  • full.article.tex

full.article.tex has something like this:



        \center \fbox{\includeslide[width=10cm]{#1}}


I already ran pdflatex on the *.beamer.tex files so the corresponding PDF outputs are in the same folder as the full.article.tex.

Running pdflatex full.article.tex, I get the following error:

!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file ./chapter2.beamer.pdf): PDF inclusion: required page does not exist <8>

Would appreciate any help in figuring out what I'm doing wrong.

Best Answer

If you have already prepared pdf files you can use the following MWE to collect them to one pdf file (full.article.tex):


\usepackage{pdfpages} % http://www.ctan.org/pkg/pdfpages

% \includepdf[pages=-]{chapter3.beamer.pdf}

With macro \includepdf you can include complete or pages of the named pdf file in your document. Document class minimal gives no margins so your included pdf files are unchanged.