[Tex/LaTex] pdflatex and gnuplot’s epslatex


I'm having some trouble trying to use gnuplot's epslatex terminal in a tex document to be compiled with pdflatex. The figure appears too big in the final pdf, and the axis' tics are not in math mode, even though I used set format '$ %g $'. I have been playing around with the plot's size too, but I achieved pretty much nothing.

Here is the result using png:
Pdf from png

And here the result using epslatex:
Pdf from epslatex

Here is a minimal working example for the tex file (commented part to obtain the png version):



\caption{Some text.}


And here the gnuplot script (again, commented part for png):

set xlabel 'x label'
set ylabel 'y label'


fit f(x) 'data.dat' via a, k

#set term pngcairo size 2000,1500
#set termoption font ',35'
#set output 'figure.png'
set term epslatex size 10cm,6cm
set output 'figure.tex'
set format '$%g$'
unset key
set samples 10000
set xrange [0:11]

plot 'data.dat' w p pt 7 ps 4 lc rgb 'black', f(x) lw 4 lc rgb 'red'

Also, the file data.dat, for completeness' sake:

1   1
2   1.64
3   2.4
5   3.28
10  5.6.

I don't know if this question should be here because it may be a gnuplot issue rather than a pdflatex issue, but anyway, help will be appreciated. Thanks! 🙂

Best Answer

As @Mike stated in the comments, if the png file generated by gnuplot is at the folder when pdflatex is run, it will use the png file instead of the eps.

I am writing this only so I can mark the question as closed.