[Tex/LaTex] PDF Latex lastpage does not work


I've added the last page package tried to display the pager but the last page wont display.
What's wrong with my code, the last page will just display a "??":

{.select date_format(now()," %M %d, %Y %r") as  run_date}
{.select username from deskpad.user where user_id=@user_teller}





\begin{tabular}{p{4.0in} p{4.0in}}
\hspace{15pt} \small{ \emph{ Date Printed: {.\run_date\} } } & \raggedleft{ \small{ \emph{ Page \thepage\ of \pageref{Last Page} } } \hspace{15pt}} \tabularnewline

Best Answer

The correct key is \pageref{LastPage}, without spaces. Two LaTeX runs are necessary for getting the correct reference when the number of pages changes: on the first run the value is written in the .aux file and read back in in the following run.

Here's also a better way to achieve the same result for the footer, using the L and R fields without any guess about the widths.

Note that fancyheadings is obsolete and should not be loaded, fancyhdr is sufficient.

I omitted also the packages not necessary for the example; the kantlipsum package is just to provide the \kant command that produces mock text.




  \small\hspace{15pt}\emph{Date Printed: \today}%
  \small\emph{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}\hspace{15pt}%


