[Tex/LaTex] pdf figure missing text elements in beamer presentation


I have a beamer presentation that I am typesetting using pdflatex in TeXworks (version 0.4.5 r.1280) on a Mac. The page that's giving me trouble is:

\frametitle{Loch Ness Monster Histogram}

When I typeset it using pdflatex, the title, notes, and axis labels disappear, even though they are part of the original pdf figure when I open it up in Preview. Just to be clear, these are part of the original pdf file, rather than specified in the beamer.

Here's the original graph:
enter image description here

Here's what it looks like in Beamer:
enter image description here

You can get the eps and pdf versions of the figure here.

Best Answer

Your PDF image contains text in Helvetica, but the font has not been embedded:

~/Downloads$ pdffonts nessie.pdf
name                                 type              encoding         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
Helvetica                            Type 1            Custom           no  no  no       8  0

Even though Helvetica should be a PDF standard font, I have often experienced problems with PDF images that do not embedd all uses glyphs. Hence, you should export it in a way that font (subsets) get embedded.

If the respective fonts are installed on your system in a way that ghostscript can find them (which should be the case for all standard PS fonts), you may also use ghostscript to convert your PDF to PS and then to PDF with the prepress setting, resulting in a version that embeds the used glyphs:

~/Downloads$ pdf2ps nessie.pdf
~/Downloads$ ps2pdf13 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress nessie.ps nessie2.pdf
    ~/Downloads$ pdffonts nessie2.pdf
    name                                 type              encoding         emb sub uni object ID
    ------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
    EKNWHA+Helvetica                     Type 1C           Custom           yes yes no       8  0
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