[Tex/LaTex] \pause messes up the page layout


I'm having a frame in beamer which compiles just right when I do not use pauses (\pause). However, when I pause the different list items, the last items do not appear on the frame anymore (actually, they are outside the frame viewable part). It seems in some way beamer has some problem calculating how to fit the different items on the page when pauses are included.

Any idea how to avoid this problem?

EDIT : Some source code exhibiting the problem :


\begin{frame}{Kubo-Greenwood Transport Formalism : Derivation}
Mott Method :
\pause \item Electric field :
E(t) = E_0 cos(\omega t) u_x
\pause \item Coulomb gauge ($E=\delta A / \delta t$) :
A(t) = -\frac{E_0}{2 i \omega} (e^{i \omega t} - e^{-i \omega t}) u_x
\pause \item First order perturbation of H :
\delta \widehat{H} (t) = \frac{2e \widehat{P}.A(t)}{2 m} = e \widehat{V}.A(t) = -\frac{e     E_0}{2 i \omega}(e^{i\omega t} - e^{-i \omega t}) \widehat{V}_x
\pause \item Transition from a state at t=0 to a state at t :
p_{nm} (t) = \frac{1}{\hbar^2} \left |\int_0^t d\tau e^{i(E_m-E_n) \tau / \hbar} \langle    m|\delta \widehat{H}(\tau)|n \rangle \right |^2
\pause \item At long times :
\frac{p_{nm}(t)}{t}  = \frac{2 \pi}{\hbar} \left(\frac{e2E_0}{2 \omega}\right)^2 \langle m|\widehat{V}_x|n \rangle \left[ \delta(E_m-E_n+\hbar \omega) +  \delta(E_m-E_n-\hbar     \omega)\right]


And actually, thanks to your comment vanden to give a minimal amount of packages and comments, I managed to find the cause to this compilation error. It is the "\linespread{1.2}" command that messes things up when using \pause. If no fix available, I'll just comment it out I guess.

Best Answer

There is special syntax for item's - I've never tried pause with lists for that reason, but my guess is that it's causing trouble. Try removing all the pauses and replace \begin{itemize} with


This causes each item to be uncovered one by one. For more fine-grained control, instead of the above change, use e.g.


To make an item appear on slides 3 and above. There are other variants, see the Beamer user guide.

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