[Tex/LaTex] Pascal’s triangle in Tikz with symbols


I have a follow-up question to Pascal's triangle in tikz with row headers.

Is it possible to produce Mark's solution with symbols in Pascal's triangle? So, I could create the same figure, but instead of numbers, I would generate Pascal's triangle with ${\n \choose \k}$ at each node.


Best Answer

Load the amsmath package to enable \binom{}{}.

Making use of this answer here

  pascal node/.style={font=\footnotesize}, 
  row node/.style={font=\footnotesize, anchor=west, shift=(180:1)}]
    \foreach \n in {0,...,\N} { 
      (-\N/2-1, -\n) node  [row node/.try]{Row \n:}
        \foreach \k in {0,...,\n}{
          (-\n/2+\k,-\n) node [pascal node/.try] {%
%            \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu}%
%            \pgfmathparse{round(\n!/(\k!*(\n-\k)!))}%
%            \pgfmathfloattoint{\pgfmathresult}%
%            \pgfmathresult%

enter image description here

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