[Tex/LaTex] Partial triangular arrows with TikZ/PGF


I'd like to draw a partial arrow (i.e. with only "half" of the tip) but with a triangular tip shape (e.g. using >=latex), instead of the standard single line you get with "left to", "right to", etc.

The result should be something like the following image:

Triangular partial arrow

How can I achieve this? I haven't seen any such tip in the TikZ/PGF manual.

Best Answer

The new really cool CVS arrow stuff (bendy arrows!) written by Till Tantau makes all sorts of customization of arrows possible. In particular left and right parts of arrows can be specified like this -{Stealth[left]}

This example is culled from the latest CVS manual:




    \tt#1 &
    \tikz\draw [-{#1}, very thick](0,0) -- (1,0);

    \arrowexample{Stealth[sep] Stealth[]}
    \arrowexample{Stealth[sep] . Stealth[]}


enter image description here