[Tex/LaTex] Parse comma-separated list of command names with spaces

comma-separated listmacrosparsing


This question is related to How can I specify a long list of math operators? – but with a twist: I want to allow spaces in in the comma-separated list, like so:

\newacronyms{acm, ams, cpu, nih}

For each of these, the macro \newacronym (note missing suffix “s”) should be invoked, which is defined as follows:


Then I can use the acronyms in a text as follows:

The \nih is the National Institute of Health.
Modern computers have several \cpu[s].

– But how does the \newacronyms macro look like?

Partial solution

I got it working without spaces – that is, it only works as \newacronyms{foo,bar}:


My approach (not working …)

Now I need a way to gobble the leading spaces inside the \@i macro but I’ve come up dry. My initial thought was that something along the following lines should work, but to no avail.



It should be noted that \gobble@spaces works in similar circumstances (although I’m not sure why … shouldn’t there be an \expandafter before the \@gobble?), just not in the above:

% This WORKS:
\def\mylst{1, 2, 3, 4}
\@for\i:=\mylst\do{print ``\expandafter\gobble@spaces\i''\\}

Incidentally, does an equivalent command already exist somewhere in the kernel? I can’t imagine that I’m the first to need it.

Best Answer

Here a solution that uses the etoolbox package:

\newcommand*{\newacronym}[1]{\typeout{New acronym: [#1]}}
\newacronyms{acm, ams, cpu, nih}