TikZ-CD – Drawing Parallel Arrows Without Heads


The official tikz-cd is available here.

On page 3, one reads:

The following list shows all available arrows.

I tried all items in the list, and got error messages for the three items: dash, equal, and mapsfrom.

All the other items worked perfectly.

As pointed out by egreg in his answer to this question, one can use [-] instead of [dash].

I tried to use [=] instead of [equal], but it didn't work.

I got a not very good-looking mapsfrom using [<-|].

Of course I'd be delighted to have an explanation, but, above all, I'd like to find a way of obtaining the equal and mapsfrom arrows (mainly the equal one).

Here is a Minimal Working Example:

X \ar[equal]{r} & Y

Best Answer

This is what I get (tikz-cd version 0.3c, tikz version 2.10) from

X \ar[equal]{r} & Y \ar[mapsfrom]{r} & Z

enter image description here

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