[Tex/LaTex] Paragraph indentation


I am trying to get TeX to indent every new paragraph, but have not been successful after trying many different preambles.

Currently, this is my preamble:

\usepackage[left=1.5in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1.0in]{geometry}
%\title{Sections and Chapters}
   %\date{ }

  \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}% 
  \@startsection {subsection}{1}{\z@}% 
  \@startsection {subsubsection}{1}{\z@}% 
    \renewcommand\thesection   {\@Roman\c@section .}
    \renewcommand\thesubsection   {{\hspace{2em}}\@Alph\c@subsection .}
    \renewcommand\thesubsubsection   {{\hspace{2em}}\@arabic\c@subsubsection .}


Does any one have any suggestions?

Best Answer

You issue \raggedright, which is defined as (in latex.ltx):

  \let\\\@centercr\@rightskip\@flushglue \rightskip\@rightskip

The last line of \raggedright sets \parindent to 0pt. As such, you need to set to to suit your needs. For example, you could use

enter image description here

\setlength{\@tempdima}{\parindent}% Save \parindent
\setlength{\parindent}{\@tempdima}% Restore \parindent


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