[Tex/LaTex] Pandoc LaTeX to Word -citation-style doesn’t change


I just discovered Pandoc and I am trying to use it to convert a doc.tex into a doc.docx but I facing some difficulties with the bibliography convertion.
I write in the powershell cmd:

pandoc -s MyFile.tex  --bibliography=MyRefs.bib 
--csl=american-sociological-review.csl -o MyFile.doc

MyFile.tex, MyRefs.bib and the asr.csl are in the same folder.
But whatever file.csl I insert, the result at the end in the MyFile.docx is the same chicago style with references in the body of my core text…

I am using TexLive 2015 (I know I need an update which I will do right after my deadline…) on Windows 10

Here is the code of my LaTeX document:





\usepackage[backend=biber,style=verbose-trad1, ibidtracker=context]







Il est important de souligner que ces mécanismes n'ont pas de 
finalité\autocite[Voir][p. 112 à 115]



I can't find out what is going wrong.
Thank you for your help !

Best Answer

Let's take the following LaTeX document:




\usepackage[backend=biber,style=verbose-trad1, ibidtracker=context]


Il est important de souligner que ces mécanismes n'ont pas de 
finalité \autocite[Voir][p. 112 à 115]{Bourdieu89}.



and a matching biblatex file:


  address   = {Paris}, 
  author    = {Bourdieu, Pierre}, 
  publisher = {Les Editions de Minuit}, 
  title     = {La noblesse d'État}, 
  subtitle  = {Grandes écoles et esprit de corps}, 
  year      = {1989}, 

enter image description here enter image description here

Since pandoc doesn't know how to name the reference section, you have to set the metadata reference-section-title accordingly:

pandoc -s --bibliography MyRefs.bib --filter pandoc-citeproc --csl american-sociological-review.csl --biblatex MyFile.tex -M reference-section-title=Références -o MyFile.docx

enter image description here

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