[Tex/LaTex] Page numbers in landscape


I use report class, and now I need to change page orientation (portrait/lanscape) for some pages in my document. I have tried pdflscape for that, but there is a problem: page numbers preserve original orientation, instead of being rotated as I have expected. I had tried lscape and faced with the same problem. What may cause this strange behavior?

Here is an example:



\chapter{Main chapter}
\section{Ut convallis pharetra augue at aliquet.}

It's all portrait. Some text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci veliturea
adipiscing elit. Ut convallis pharetra augue at aliquet.

%% Landscape area 
 It's all landscape. Some text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci veliturea
 adipiscing elit. Ut convallis pharetra augue at aliquet.


Best Answer

Faced the same problem on the weekend then switched to koma-class -> problems with header, footer and the numbers were solved. But bit difficult at the beginning, so here is a small example. Hope it will help to switch to koma ;)

\documentclass[     12pt,                   %fontsize
                    paper=a4,               %papersize
                    pagesize,               %area
                    DIV=calc,               %relation colls and rows see koma manual
                    liststotocnumbered,     %numbered toc (best solution report sucks over here
                    headsepline,            %header with line
                    footsepline]            %foot with line
                    {scrreprt}              %equals to report


%Chapter caption is somewhere in the center of the page, so move the shit ;)

%If you have a new chapter, the pagestyle will be plain (only pagenumber) according to koma
%To use ur setting redefine the chaperstyle

%Settings for head and foot
\ihead{top left}
\chead{top center}
\ohead{top right}       
\ifoot{bottom left} 
\cfoot{bottom center}
\ofoot{bottom right}


\chapter{First chap}
\section{First sec}
some blank text page is still in portrait

%Save area all setting in myvalues

%Change pagestyle to landscape (will create a nee page)
\KOMAoptions{paper=landscape, DIV=20} 

some blank text in landscape

%Recover settings

some blank text page is still in portrait

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