[Tex/LaTex] Page numbering on the R/L corners


I am writing a book-style document for children stories etc. I 've found a nice border for the page background of each paper, with a special place near the corner for each page-number.

What I need now is to put the page-numbering of each page, on the bottom Left or Right side (but near the corners of each page) depending on even-odd logic of a book.

So far I've just managed to put with fancyhdr the even-odd page numbering correctly and suppress the 'Body' margins with a naive way to push the numbering at the sides. But I can't suppress the 'Body' borders, for both Odd and Even pages with the simple\hspace method.

I've tried \checkoddpage (if-then logic) and stuff but they did not work out well. The Right-Odd (RO) footer simply does not want to be pushed!!!

Any ideas pushing that remaining Odd-numbering to the side? A sample of the code follows. It's a little long sorry! (I can't include the borders-backgrounds…but I hope you can imagine-understand what is needed to be implemented here.)
Thanks in advance for your time.


{\chaptername\ \thechapter}{0pt}{\Huge}

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\centering Contents}

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\hoffset =0pt

\title{Pax Romana}

Best Answer

Here is a very simple solution, loading titleps via the pagestyles option of titlesec, instead of fancyhdr:


{\chaptername\ \thechapter}{0pt}{\Huge}

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\centering Contents}

\title{Pax Romana}

Odd page:

enter image description here

enter image description here