[Tex/LaTex] Page number position in memoir class


I would like the page numbers to be found at the bottom, on the outside of the page and at the same time, in the header I would like there to be the title of the chapter without the number. I'm new to this utilization of LaTeX, so I tried to find a way but I only managed to have the page numbers at the top, next to the header. This is what I have done:


\usepackage[a5paper, total={4.3in,6in}]{geometry}



\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{ \markboth{#1}{} }


\chapter{Material girl (in a Material World)}

Best Answer

Define your own page style, for instance

\usepackage[a5paper, total={4.3in,6in}]{geometry}



\makeoddfoot{plain}{}{}{\thepage} % page number on the bottom right



\chapter{Material girl (in a Material World)}



enter image description here

Each declaration \make{odd|even}{head|foot} takes four arguments: the page style name and then what goes on the left, center and right of the header or footer.

In the chapter starting page, the plain page style is used.