[Tex/LaTex] Page breaks within enumerated list


I'm writing a document with lots of numbered items, and I would like each of those items to be contained on a single page (rather than split across two pages). Is there a way to do this? samepage doesn't seem to work.

For example, if the following two items were too big to fit on the same page, I would like item 2 to move to the next page:


\item Blah blah blah ...

\item More babbling ...


Best Answer

To ensure that an entire \item's text is on the same page (assuming of course that it will fit on the page), you can adapt the solution I used to Replace \item with \MyItem to box each list member with an mdframed, to instead place each \item within a minipage.

Here is a normal enumerate environment where item (c) is split across a page:

enter image description here

and using the MyEnumerate environment we get item (c) on a new page since it does not fit on the previous page.

enter image description here


  • An \addvspace{\baselineskip} has been added in between the minipage to resolve the issue with vertical spacing issue that was in an earlier version.

  • The geometry package was used only to adjust the paper height to show that the MyEnumerate actually moves the list member to a new page if it does not fit.


\usepackage{etoolbox}% for toggles


        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
        Sed accumsan hendrerit velit, vitae ultrices sapien porta nec.  
        Duis blandit tempus placerat. 
        Nulla vitae erat ante. Nulla facilisi. 
        Aliquam tristique interdum suscipit. 
        Duis posuere orci vel velit suscipit in porttitor purus eleifend. 
%  https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/43002/how-to-preserve-the-same-parskip-in-minipage
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/56435/replace-item-with-myitem-to-box-each-list-member-with-an-mdframed


            \setlength{\currentparskip}{\parskip}% save the value
            %--------- start new minipage
            \setlength{\parskip}{\currentparskip}% restore the value
            %--------- end previous minipage and start new one
            \setlength{\parskip}{\currentparskip}% restore the value
    \end{minipage}% --------- end last minipage

    \item \TextA
    \item \TextB
    \item \TextA\TextB
    \MyItem \TextA
    \MyItem \TextB
    \MyItem \TextA\TextB
    \MyItem \TextB
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