[Tex/LaTex] Package minted Error: Missing Pygments output


I installed minted today as well as Python and Pygments, which I can run from the cmd. When I try this code:

int main() {
printf("hello, world"); 
return 0;

I get the following error message:

! Package minted Error: Missing Pygments output; \inputminted was
probably given a file that does not exist–otherwise, you may need the
outputdir package option, or may be using an incompatible build tool,
or may be using frozencache with a missing file.

See the minted package documentation for explanation.
Type H for immediate help.


The other threads didn't help me and neither did Google. How do I solve this problem? I have set my option in pdfLatex to:

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape %filename.tex 

Here is my log file.

My PATH is set so I can execute Python and pygmentize from the cmd without errors, and I can load the package as well. When it comes to using the minted package is when I receive the error.

Best Answer

Your codes are working fine for me, I've tried the following commands I used the DOS prompt to get the output, hope --shell-escape is the solution for your problem, but not sure, please try at your end:

latex --shell-escape %filename.tex to get the output as in DVI format

pdflatex --shell-escape %filename.tex to get the output as in PDF format

and the output was generated as:

enter image description here best wishes