[Tex/LaTex] Package mathabx results in tiny square as QED


If I use amssymb, the square at the end of the proof would just be in normal size. But when I use mathabx, the square gets tiny. Is there any way I can use mathabx and still get the normal square?enter image description here



\newenvironment{prf}{\underline{\textbf{Proof:}}}{\hfill $\square$}


This is my proof using mathabx.


Thank you!

Best Answer

You can use


before loading mathabx and then use \oldsquare in your definition:




This is my proof using mathabx.


enter image description here

The proof environment from the amsthm package doesn't use \square, but \openbox as the end-mark, so you can define this command as amsthm.sty does and use it for your definition:


  \hbox to.77778em{%
  \vbox to.675em{\hrule width.6em\vfil\hrule}%


This is my proof using mathabx.


enter image description here

I'd suggest you, however, to use the amsthm package and its built-in proof environment to typeset your proofs. This will give you, amongst other, proper spacing before and after the proofs, proper placement of the end-mark, no indentation for the first line.

In the follwoing example I used both environments for comparison (I suppressed the underlining, since it is not a typographical good practise, but you can add it back of you really need it):


\renewcommand\proofname{\normalfont\bfseries Proof:}


This is my proof using mathabx.

This is my proof using mathabx amnd amsthm.


enter image description here

mathabx also offers \boxvoid, but this produces a square that it's slightly bigger than the regular \openbox command.

Are you sure you want to use mathabx? I ask you because the package redefines many math symbols (as you've already experienced). If you are interestef just in a particular symbol from mathabx, then Importing a Single Symbol From a Different Font shows you how to import the symbol without loading the package.

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