[Tex/LaTex] Package inputenc error unicode character − (u+200E)


Two of my tables in TexStudio are having the error: package inputenc error unicode character − (U+200E)not set up for use in LaTeX. Anybody knows what the exact problem is?

SOLVED: invisible character before Lauraceae

My first table is and the error appears for \end{tabular}:

    \caption[The amount of ecological relevant \texorpdfstring{g\textsubscript{s}}{gs}-VPD curves for the different genera. ]{The total number of ecological relevant \texorpdfstring{g\textsubscript{s}}{gs}-VPD curves for the different genera. The associated altitude and growth form are displayed as well.}
        Genus                          & Growth form & Altitude (m) & \#gs-VPD curves \\ \hline
        Asteraceae Mikania             & Liana       & 400          & 2               \\
        Cucurbitaceae Cayaponia        & Liana       & 400          & 2               \\
        Clusiaceae Clusia              & Liana       & 1100         & 3               \\
        Ericaceae Psammisia            & Liana       & 1100         & 1               \\
        Sapindaceae Serjania           & Liana       & 1100         & 1               \\
        Asteraceae Mikania             & Liana       & 2200         & 5               \\
        Cucurbitaceae Gurania          & Liana       & 2200         & 1               \\
        Gobiesocidae Gouania           & Liana       & 2200         & 2               \\
        Vitaceae Cissus                & Liana       & 2200         & 1               \\
        Burseraceae Protium            & Tree        & 400          & 1               \\
        Urticaceae Cecropia            & Tree        & 400          & 3               \\
        Urticaceae Pourouma            & Tree        & 400          & 2               \\
        Clusiaceae Tovomita            & Tree        & 1100         & 5               \\
        Dichapetalaceae Stephanopodium & Tree        & 1100         & 1               \\
        ‎Lauraceae Ocotea               & Tree        & 1100         & 2               \\
        Leguminosae Dussia             & Tree        & 1100         & 1               \\
        Myristicaceae Otoba            & Tree        & 1100         & 1               \\
        Actinidiaceae Saurauia         & Tree        & 2200         & 1               \\
        Sapindaceae Billia             & Tree        & 2200         & 3               \\
        Araliaceae Oreopanax           & Tree        & 3000         & 2               \\
        Ericaceae Cavendishia          & Tree        & 3000         & 1               \\
        Rosaceae Rubus                 & Tree        & 3000         & 2               \\
        Rubiaceae Palicourea           & Tree        & 3000         & 2               \\
        Siparunaceae Siparuna          & Tree        & 3000         & 1               \\ \hline
        \textbf{Total}                 &             &              & \textbf{46}     \\ \hline

My second table is and the error appears at Lauraceae Ocotea floribunda

& Tree        & 1100     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    \caption[The amount of \texorpdfstring{g\textsubscript{s}}{gs}-VPD curves, light response curves and SLA for the different genera. ]{The amount of measured \texorpdfstring{g\textsubscript{s}}{gs}-VPD curves, light response curves and SLA for the different genera (or species if the plant was determined on species level). The associated altitude and growth form are displayed as well.}
    \label{tab:inventoryalles}  \\
    Genus or species if known                & Growth form & Altitude & \#gs-VPD     & \#A-PAR     & \#SLA        \\ \hline
    Asteraceae Mikania                       & Liana       & 400      & 14           & 1           & 13           \\
    Cucurbitaceae Cayaponia                  & Liana       & 400      & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea                  & Liana       & 400      & 3            & 1           & 5            \\
    Clusiaceae Clusia                        & Liana       & 1100     & 9            & 0           & 9            \\
    Ericaceae Psammisia                      & Liana       & 1100     & 3            & 2           & 5            \\
    Melastomataceae Blakea                   & Liana       & 1100     & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Sapindaceae Serjania                     & Liana       & 1100     & 5            & 0           & 5            \\
    Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia            & Liana       & 2200     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Asteraceae Mikania                       & Liana       & 2200     & 8            & 0           & 8            \\
    Cucurbitaceae Gurania                    & Liana       & 2200     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Gobiesocidae Gouania                     & Liana       & 2200     & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Vitaceae Cissu                           & Liana       & 2200     & 3            & 1           & 4            \\
    Asteraceae Mikania                       & Liana       & 3000     & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Smilacaceae Smilax                       & Liana       & 3000     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Annonaceae Rollinia mucosa               & Tree        & 400      & 0            & 1           & 2            \\
    Burseraceae Protium                      & Tree        & 400      & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Lecythidaceae Grias neuberthii           & Tree        & 400      & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Malvaceae Theobroma gileri               & Tree        & 400      & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Meliaceae Guarea                         & Tree        & 400      & 5            & 0           & 5            \\
    Phyllanthaceae Hieronyma alchorneoides   & Tree        & 400      & 0            & 1           & 2            \\
    Urticaceae Cecropia hastae               & Tree        & 400      & 6            & 0           & 6            \\
    Urticaceae Pourouma                      & Tree        & 400      & 5            & 1           & 0            \\
    Clusiaceae Tovomita weddelliana          & Tree        & 1100     & 6            & 1           & 6            \\
    Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum             & Tree        & 1100     & 3            & 1           & 4            \\
    Dichapetalaceae Stephanopodium angulatum & Tree        & 1100     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Lauraceae Caryodaphnopsis theobromifolia & Tree        & 1100     & 0            & 1           & 1            \\
    ‎Lauraceae Ocotea floribunda              & Tree        & 1100     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Lauraceae Ocotea fraxifera               & Tree        & 1100     & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Leguminosae Dussia                       & Tree        & 1100     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Myristicaceae Otoba gordonifolia         & Tree        & 1100     & 3            & 2           & 5            \\
    Actinidiaceae Saurauia                   & Tree        & 2200     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Lauraceae Nectandra subbullata           & Tree        & 2200     & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Moraceae Morus insignis                  & Tree        & 2200     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Phyllanthaceae Hieronyma asperifolia     & Tree        & 2200     & 3            & 1           & 4            \\
    Sapindaceae Billia rosea                 & Tree        & 2200     & 5            & 1           & 5            \\
    Theaceae Gordonia fruticos               & Tree        & 2200     & 1            & 0           & 0            \\
    Adoxaceae Viburnum hallii                & Tree        & 3000     & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Araliaceae Oreopanax                     & Tree        & 3000     & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Betulaceae Alnus acuminata               & Tree        & 3000     & 4            & 0           & 4            \\
    Ericaceae Cavendishia bracteata          & Tree        & 3000     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Rosaceae Rubus                           & Tree        & 3000     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Rubiaceae Palicourea                     & Tree        & 3000     & 2            & 0           & 2            \\
    Siparunaceae Siparuna                    & Tree        & 3000     & 3            & 0           & 3            \\
    Unknown 1                                & Unknown     & 3000     & 0            & 1           & 0            \\
    Unknown 2                                & Unknown     & 3000     & 0            & 1           & 0            \\
    Unknown 3                                & Unknown     & 3000     & 0            & 1           & 0            \\ \hline
    \textbf{Total}                           &             &          & \textbf{143} & \textbf{18} & \textbf{150} \\ \hline

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\usepackage[a4paper,verbose, centering,reversemp]{geometry} 

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