[Tex/LaTex] Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ² (U+B2)(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. \acro{I2C}[I²C]

compilation errorerrorstexdocunicode

Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ² (U+B2)(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. \acro{I2C}[I²C]{Inter-Integrated Circuit}

So I get this error I get when I try to compile my university latex template. Any suggestions please?

The code looks something like this:


\usepackage{graphicx}           % use for pdfLatex
\usepackage{makeidx} % f\"{u}r Benutzung des Befehls \printindex

bookmarksnumbered=true, hyperindex=true,
%Im Acrobat Reader Subtitel 1. Ebene anzeigen
bookmarksopen=true, bookmarksopenlevel=1,
pdfborder=0 0 0 % Keine Box um die Links!





\LARGE{\textbf{Title of the thesis}}\\

Submitted in Fulfilment of the\\
Requirements for the Academic Degree\\
Dept. of Computer Science\\
Chair of Computer Engineering
Submitted by: Max Mustermann\\
Student ID: 111222\\
Date: 12.12.1212\\
Supervising tutor: Prof. Dr. \\
(further supervisors)


\textbf{Keywords: Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3, ...max 5}


\addchap{List of Abbreviations}
\acro{KDE}{K Desktop Environment}
 \acro{SQL}{Structured Query Language}
 \acro{Bash}{Bourne-again shell}
 \acro{JDK}{Java Development Kit}
 \acro{VM}{Virtuelle Maschine}
 \acro{I2C}[I²C]{Inter-Integrated Circuit}
 \acro{KDE}{K Desktop Environment}
\acro{SQL}{Structured Query Language}
\acro{Bash}{Bourne-again shell}
\acro{JDK}{Java Development Kit}
\acro{VM}{Virtuelle Maschine}
\acro{I2C}[I²C]{Inter-Integrated Circuit}
 \acro{KDE}{K Desktop Environment}
\acro{SQL}{Structured Query Language}
\acro{Bash}{Bourne-again shell}
 \acro{JDK}{Java Development Kit}
 \acro{VM}{Virtuelle Maschine}
\acro{I2C}[I²C]{Inter-Integrated Circuit}
\acro{KDE}{K Desktop Environment}
\acro{SQL}{Structured Query Language}
\acro{Bash}{Bourne-again shell}
\acro{JDK}{Java Development Kit}
\acro{VM}{Virtuelle Maschine}
\acro{I2C}[I²C]{Inter-Integrated Circuit}
\acro{KDE}{K Desktop Environment}
\acro{SQL}{Structured Query Language}
\acro{Bash}{Bourne-again shell}
\acro{JDK}{Java Development Kit}
\acro{VM}{Virtuelle Maschine}
\acro{I2C}[I²C]{Inter-Integrated Circuit}
\acro{I2C}[I²C]{Inter-Integrated Circuit}

\input{src/intro}  % Load Data from File intro.tex

\input{src/example_tables} % Load Data from File example_tables

\input{src/example_figures} % Load Data from File example_figures

% Alternativ just write your text under \chapter like this example




Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

As you don't provide the expected MWE, I don't know what \acro does.

But generally speaking, to declare unknown Unicode characters you should load:


and use:


that is to say in your case:


A simpler alternative :


EDIT (with the MWE)

I have just pasted:




at the beginning of the preamble of your MWE, and (after correction of BCOR1cm into BCOR=1cm) it works without any error or warning, and gives in both cases:
