[Tex/LaTex] package for turning a beamer presentation into a grey scale presentation


I have a beamer presentation in latex where I want to turn the colors into grayscale colors. It includes some graphics and text in various colors, and I want to eliminate this. Is there a way to just include a package and turn a given document/presentation to be black and white?

Best Answer

Pass the option gray to the package xcolor



blackandwhite wrote that it doesn't have any effect. Here is a full minimal working example which works well:

\section{Abschnitt Nr.2}
\subsection{Listen I}
\item Einf\"uhrungskurs in \LaTeX
\item Kurs 2
\item Seminararbeiten und Pr\"asentationen mit \LaTeX
\item Die Beamerclass

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Aufz\"ahlung mit Pausen}
\item Einf\"uhrungskurs in \LaTeX \pause
\item Kurs 2 \pause
\item Seminararbeiten und Pr\"asentationen mit \LaTeX \pause
\item Die Beamerclass