[Tex/LaTex] package for specifying optimization problems


Is there a package for specifying optimization problems, such as in linear programming, quadratic programming, convex programming, etc.?

Or do I have to write my own code with align, constraints and so on? I thought that there might be a very elegant way to specify a min/max problem with some constraints below it.

I am talking about something like Example 2.2 in http://people.ucsc.edu/~rgil/Optimization.pdf.

EDIT: Following a request below, I add an illustrating example of a problem I had with align.

\min && n \\
\mathrm{s.t.} && xxxxxxx \\
&& yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy \\
&& zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What happens is that n is aligned to the far left. I want all of the left columns to be centered below each other.
This is my way of formulating a constrained optimization problem, if someone has a better idea I will be glad to hear about it.

If I use only two columns, there is almost no space between $\min$ and $n$. I am almost tempted to use eqnarray 🙂

Best Answer

A bit late but it might help other people looking for the same answer. The package optidef was intended as the easy way to define optimization problems.

  {w,u}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}{}{}

The package has several more options. Below some examples are provided. To have a completely overview of the features and options check the documentation.

Using a shorter description of minimize/subject to.

  {w,u}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}{}{}

Breaking the objective accross several lines.

  {w,u}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)+ H(100w-x*w/500)}{}{}

Multilabeling/no labeling:

    {w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}

    {w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}

Alignment position of constraints with respect to the objective:

Alternative 1

  {w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}

Alternative 2

    {w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}

Alternative 3

    {w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}

Other optimization environments


    {w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}


    {w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}


    {w}{f(w)+ R(w+6x)}

Full details on the different implementations above (and more details) can be found in the documentation: http://ctan.cs.uu.nl/macros/latex/contrib/optidef/optidef.pdf.

Feature requests and discussion of issues can be done through the github page: https://github.com/jeslago/optidef