[Tex/LaTex] own bibliography style with biblatex


My bibliography has to look like this:

name, givenname; name2 ,givenname2: title. edition location : publisher, Year.


Weck, Manfred; Brecher, Christian: Werkzeugmaschinen. 6.Auflage Berlin
: Springer, 2005.

my bib-file looks like this:

  title = {Werkzeugmaschinen},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2005},
  author = {Manfred Weck and Christian Brecher},
  address = {Berlin},
  edition = {6.Auflage}

my tex file like this:

\usepackage[backend=biber, bibstyle=alphabetic,  sorting=nyt]{biblatex}

  \newunit\newblock \printfield{title}%
  \newunit\newblock \printfield{edition}%
  \newunit \printlist{location} %
  \newunit \printlist{publisher}
  \newunit \printfield{year}

but my bibliography looks like this

Manfred Weck and Christian Brecher. Werkzeugmaschinen. 6.Auflage
Berlin. Springer. 2005

So the name has to come first and if there are more than one author there has to be a ; in between. semicolons and colons seem to be ignored, there's always a dot.

Best Answer

Here's an example that doesn't create a new bibliography driver from scratch, but modifies the existing book driver. Try and comment out my redfinitions to see what they effect. Note that I have changed the contents of the edition field in your .bib file to an integer and instead used the babel package plus the biblatex package option abbreviate=false.

Note: In the bibliography driver in your code snippets, semicolons and colons aren't ignored, but overridden by the following \newunit which typesets \newunitpunct (by default, a period and a space) instead.

Further information may be found at Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles.





  \mkbibbold{% ADDED
    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}
       test \ifuseeditor
       not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
  }% ADDED



%    {\setunit*{addcolon\space}}% DELETED
    {\setunit*{~:\space}}% ADDED

%    {\mkbibordedition{#1}~\bibstring{edition}}% DELETED
    {\mkbibordedition{#1}\bibstring{edition}}% ADDED


  author = {Manfred Weck and Christian Brecher},
  year = {2005},
  title = {Werkzeugmaschinen},
  edition = {6},
  location = {Berlin},
  publisher = {Springer},






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