[Tex/LaTex] Overfull \hbox too wide in table


I have the following table





%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%       Table          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    \tabcolsep = 0.01\textwidth %0.18cm
    \begin{tabular}{| m{0.17\textwidth} | M{0.1\textwidth} | M{0.1\textwidth}|}
     \centering\textbf{Method} & \textbf{Input} & \textbf{Accuracy}
        3DShapeNets  & volumetric & 84.7\\
        Voxnet  & volumetric & 85.9\\
        PointNet  & points & 89.2 \\
        PointNet++  & points & 90.7 \\
        Kd-network& points & 91.8 / 90.6 \\
    Ours & points & ? \\
    \caption{Classification Accuracy on ModelNet40 dataset}

    \tabcolsep = 0.01\textwidth %0.18cm
    \centering\textbf{Method} &  \textbf{ Data} & \textbf{Permutations} & \textbf{Points}  
        PointNet &  & &\\
        PointNet++ &  &  &\\
        Kd-Network &  & &\\
    \caption{Challenges summary }

    \subsection{Architecture Design Analysis}



I get a warning Overfull \hbox (... too wide)
Why is this happening and how can I solve it ?

Best Answer

problematic is your second table. it is wider than column width. it is possible to make it narrower, however content of table is unknown, so the obtained result probably in real document will not works.

enter image description here

as you can see, i change table layout. for my taste now looks better. for this i add two new packages: booktabs for rules and siunitx for S column type. i also assume that content of column header is the widest cells contents.

\usepackage{array, booktabs}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%       Table
\begin{tabular}{l l S[table-format=2.1]}
\mc{Method} & \mc{Input}    & \mc{Accuracy} \\
3DShapeNets & volumetric    & 84.7          \\
Voxnet      & volumetric    & 85.9          \\
PointNet    & points        & 89.2          \\
PointNet++  & points        & 90.7          \\
Kd-network  & points        & {91.8 / 90.6} \\
Ours        & points        & {?}           \\
\caption{Classification Accuracy on ModelNet40 dataset}
\begin{tabular}{ l l l l}
\mc{Method} & \mc{Data}     & \mc{Permutations} & \mc{Points}   \\
PointNet    &               &                   &               \\
PointNet++  &               &                   &               \\
Kd-Network  &               &                   &               \\
\caption{Challenges summary }

    \subsection{Architecture Design Analysis}


above mwe gives no error, no warning, no bad boxes.