[Tex/LaTex] Overfull hbox in tabular


In the following (M)WE, the tabular version of the Contact information from a CV gives an overfull hbox warning when compiled with pdfLatex, but the minipage version does not. Why? I have not found a satisfactory explanation among the many questions that have been posed about overfull hboxes, but if you know the right place, please direct me there!


Department of Mechanical Engineering\\%
University of Anywhere\\%
123 Road St.\\%
Normal, IL USA}%
{\vrule width 0.5pt}
\textit{Work:} +1-123-456-7890 \\%
\textit{Cell:} +1-123-456-7890 \\%

Department of Mechanical Engineering\\%
University of Anywhere\\%
123 Road St.\\%
Normal, IL USA%
\textit{Work:} +1-123-456-7890 \\%
\textit{Cell:} +1-123-456-7890 \\%


Best Answer


you have used @{} to omit most inter-column space but you do not have @{} at the end so there is a \tabcolsep after the last column.

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