[Tex/LaTex] outline package, how to change enumeration style


I'm working with the outlines package. I want to change the 2nd level enumeration style from small letters ( a b c ) to small roman letters ( i),ii),iii)… ). In other words, I want to exchange the 2nd and 3rd level enumeration styles. I tried reading the documentation of the package but I didn't quite understand if I have to write my own code or just apply what's suggested in the doc. I think it may involve
\renewcommand{\outlineii}{style} but what do I put in place of style, roman? I'd like this change to affect all 2nd-level items.

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{scrartcl}


\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsfonts} 


\section{First section} 
\subsection{First subsec} 

\1 Calculate $ E_{th} $.
\2 Write $f= f_{electr} + f_{elast}$:
\2 Apply Euler-Lagrange method 
\2 Calc each ``piece'' of the 2nd degree diff eq
  \3 first this
  \3 then the double derivative  
\2 Simplify \dots


Best Answer

outlines takes the styles from enumerate labels. You can change these with the help of enumitem package.

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{scrartcl}


\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsfonts}



\section{First section}
\subsection{First subsec}

\1 Calculate $ E_{th} $.
\2 Write $f= f_{electr} + f_{elast}$:
\2 Apply Euler-Lagrange method
\2 Calc each ``piece'' of the 2nd degree diff eq
  \3 first this
  \3 then the double derivative
\2 Simplify \dots


enter image description here