[Tex/LaTex] Ordinal numbers with small, elevated superscript that don’t go above character


I've used \textsuperscript to represent ordinals like 1st, 2nd, and so forth.

Other post here about this:

What's the quickest way to write "2nd" "3rd" etc in LaTeX?

The results are supposed to be single spaced and there is un-even line spacing because the superscript "st" on "1" causes a little extra space between lines.

What I'd like instead is the "st" to be smaller, and elevated, but have its top at same height as number 1. Here's ASCII art

 ###    ####   #####
  ##    #        #
  ##    ####     #
  ##       #     #
  ##    ####     #

I found a post in here about regulating size & placement of \textsupserscript:

How can I make something like a superscript that doesn't go as high?

I do not understand the advice there, but I have implemented it nonetheless. This goes in the preamble

\settoheight\mylen{\fontsize\f@size\z@ A}%

That code is unfamiliar to me. I hope one of you will tell me if it
is wise. Will unexpected problems arise in a larger document?

The \Textsuperscript function is not perfect. With large text, even the "fixed" superscript goes above the text line. If I use \Large{...} text then the unevenness is noticable, but not if text is \normal{...}. This difference is pointed out in the original post.

The Update:
After several of you said that superscripts cannot affect line spacing, I started tearing apart the document and I built the MRE that shows YOU WERE CORRECT. I was fooled because of the effect of LaTeX groups on line spacing. The difference is especially clear to me in the footer, where I was sure the superscript caused a problem. But paragraphs in text show they were not to blame.

I simply did not understand the impact of using group, like this:

{\Large{} blah blah.}

compared to

\Large{blah blah.}

maybe even

\Large{} blah blah.

I had spotted the problem first in a fancy footer, where line spacing seems to be especially sensitive to this. In the test cases, we had a much larger document written by a team and each person had his/her own style. By coincidence, when the grouping differed, the superscripts were also present. When a few people are writing on a document at same time, I suppose it is expected to happen.

This code:



        tmargin=1.5cm, bmargin=3.5cm, lmargin=2.25cm, rmargin=2.25cm,
        headheight=100pt, footskip=20pt,
        marginparwidth=0pt, includehead]{geometry}
\definecolor{blue1}{rgb}{0.2617188, 0.6328125, 0.7890625}
\definecolor{green1}{rgb}{0.6562500, 0.8632812, 0.7070312} 


\footnotesize{\textbf{REPORT DATE}: 03-13-2017} &
\textbf{\LARGE{}Data Summary} &
\multirow{3}{*}{\large{pretend there is a logo here}}\tabularnewline
\footnotesize{\textbf{SUBJECT}: Bidding Accuracy}&\multirow{1}{*}{\textbf{\Large{}Report 2016-17}}\tabularnewline
{\footnotesize{}\textbf{Bridge Team}: 3}&\tabularnewline
 &  & \tabularnewline
\Large\textbf{NAME:} PJ &
\Large\textbf{DISTRICT ID:}34534523234\tabularnewline
\Large\textbf{DISTRICT:} Smith&
\Large\textbf{STATE}: Neverland\tabularnewline
\Large\textbf{Center:} Academy of Bridge&\tabularnewline

\fancyfoot[L]{Suppose there is a beautiful message here in line 1 of footer. \\
  \ifthenelse{\value{page}=1}{{\small{}This report is intended to smarten you
 up and we exect you will really like reading it this year.  It has a glorious 
summary of all kinds of great ideas that we have polished up during the last year. 
This is the 1\textsuperscript{st} superscript in this footer.}\\
    \small{}Some legal statement here. There will be a claim of
    copyright, possibly a statement about availabilty under a GNU
    documentation license or Creative commons.  Probably a boring one,
    so we make it extra small so nobody will complain to us about
    it. This the first time we have used this format.  }{} }
\fancyfoot[R]{Page \thepage \hspace{1pt} of \pageref{LastPage}}


{\Large{}The team's performance in the year's program is summarized
  below. They were never extremely strong in any of the events. In
  fact, we don't think they were 1\textsuperscript{st}, ever. We have
  had many excellent participants this year and it is very difficult
  to say that one is better than the other. However, your group is,
  definitely, not better than the 2\textsuperscript{nd},
  3\textsuperscript{rd}, or 4\textsuperscript{th} groups.  }

\Large{The team's performance in the year's program is summarized
  below. They were never extremely strong in any of the events. In
  fact, we don't think they were 1\textsuperscript{st}, ever. We have
  had many excellent participants this year and it is very difficult
  to say that one is better than the other. However, your group is,
  definitely, not better than the 2\textsuperscript{nd},
  3\textsuperscript{rd}, or 4\textsuperscript{th} groups.}

And here is the output

enter image description here

Best Answer

(too long for an comment, hence posted as an answer)

Unless your document has unusually tight line-spacing settings, writing things like 1\textsuperscript{st} or 3\textsuperscript{rd} should definitely not cause TeX to increase the line spacing to accommodate the superscript-level material.

To wit:

enter image description here

Loading the fmtcount package with the option raise, and writing things like \ordinalnum{1} and \ordinalnum{3}, should produce the exact same output as does writing 1\textsuperscript{st} and 3\textsuperscript{rd}:

enter image description here

In short, please advise what the exact line spacing settings are in your document.

Just for completeness, here's the code that gave rise to the preceding screenshots:

\documentclass[12pt]{article} % or: 10pt, 11pt

\settowidth\mylen{blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg}

blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg 
blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg 
blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg 
blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg 
blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg
blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg 
blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg 
blg blg 1\ts{st} 2\ts{nd} 3\ts{rd} 4\ts{th} 5\ts{th}\, blg blg
blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg 
blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg blg

1\ts{st} \ordinalnum{1} 2\ts{nd} \ordinalnum{2}  3\ts{rd} \ordinalnum{3} 4\ts{th} \ordinalnum{4}  5\ts{th} \ordinalnum{5} 