[Tex/LaTex] Optional caption in listings (for listoflistings)

captionslistingstable of contents

I have some cites in my captions. But I do not want to appear them in the table of figures or listings.
With figures I managed to display an different caption like this:

  \caption[FIPA Message Transport Reference Model]{FIPA Message Transport Reference Model (\cite{FIPA2000}).}

But with lstlisting I have some troubles because the caption is an option of the listings and that seems not to have an optional caption label.

\begin{lstlisting}[ language=Scala,
caption={Publisher notify\cite{Zenger2013}}] 
  protected def publish(event: Evt) {
    filters.keys.foreach(sub =>
      if (!suspended.contains(sub) && filters.entryExists(sub, p => p(event)))
        sub.notify(self, event)

Any Ideas how to solve this?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

This is covered in Section 4.9 of the listings documentation; you can use

caption={[short caption]long caption}

Here's a complete MWE to demonstrate:

% arara: pdflatex
% !arara: indent: {overwrite: yes}


caption={[caption for lol]Publisher notify\cite{Zenger2013}}] 
  protected def publish(event: Evt) {
    filters.keys.foreach(sub =>
      if (!suspended.contains(sub) && filters.entryExists(sub, p => p(event)))
        sub.notify(self, event)

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