[Tex/LaTex] one-letter word at the end of line


This question led to a new feature in a package:

I come from Poland and I'm writing some text in my native language. One of our typography standards is that we do not leave one-letter words at the end of a line. For example:

Mietek poszedl do sklepu i
kupil jabola

is illegal, and correctly it should be as follows:

Mietek poszedl do sklepu 
i kupil jabola

I don't know if there is such a rule in US/English typography also, but I cannot find any latex setting that would fix such errors.
The only solution I've found so far is to add the "~" character, which seems to work as whitespace, but also prevents to break connected words between lines.
So I have to write:

Mietek poszedl do sklepu i~kupil jabola

Is there any other way to do so? I've tried with


which prevents orphans, but it seems that 'orphans' for us (Polish) is something different than for Americans 😉 In the US orphan is the first line of a paragraph on the last line of a page (at least I think so), but for us, 'orphan' is such a single-letter word at the end of a line.

Best Answer

This is a LuaLaTeX solution. It is a function that gets called just before TeX breaks the text into lines. It inserts ties ~ (only the penalty of 10000, the glue is already there) after the single letter word. Words will still hyphenate (see example below) - as far as I can see (after the w).

[Edit: I have added a check in the code that only letters (L* unicode character class) will be taken into account when preventing a line break after the glyph.]



local prevent_single_letter = function (head)
  while head do
    if head.id == 37 and unicode.utf8.match(unicode.utf8.char(head.char),"%a") then -- a letter
      if head.prev.id == 10 and head.next.id == 10 then    -- only if we are at a one letter word

        local p = node.new("penalty")
        p.penalty = 10000

        -- This is for debugging only, but then you have to
        -- remove the last node.insert_after line:
        -- local w = node.new("whatsit","pdf_literal")
        -- w.data = "q 1 0 1 RG 1 0 1 rg 0 0 m 0 5 l 2 5 l 2 0 l b Q"
        -- node.insert_after(head,head,w)
        -- node.insert_after(head,w,p)


    head = head.next
  return true


\hsize 2.7in

Noc była sierpniowa, ciepła i słodka, Księżyc oświecał srebrnem światłem wgłębienie, tak,
że twarze małego rycerza i Basi były skąpane w blasku.
Poniżej, na podwórzu zamkowem, widać było uśpione kupy żołnierzy, a także i ciała zabitych
podczas dziennej strzelaniny, bo nie znaleziono dotÄ…d czasu na ich pogrzebanie.


example output

BTW: the small hyphenation marks are made with the package showhyphens.

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