[Tex/LaTex] On arrows in Tikz cd


So I am getting used to using tikz-cd package to draw relatively straightforward commutative diagrams. I have two questions.

Question 1 Here is the code:

\documentclass[10pt, draft]{amsart}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, matrix}
% With tons of other packages not relevant here I guess
 % With some text ....
Y \arrow[dashrightarrow]{d} \arrow{rd} &  \\
Y_{0} \arrow{r}{\pi_{0}} & X \\

What happens here is that the arrow tips for the diagonal arrow is extremely light compared to the other two, you can see that in the picture below. I would like to know how to fix that.
enter image description here

Question 2 In the following diagram, (which also suffers from the same issues of question 1 above), I would want to fix the hook on the arrow labelled i so that it points the correct way (and perhaps make it more prominent).

enter image description here

Here is the code I am using for that part.

  \begin{tikzcd}[column sep =small] 
   & (X_{0},x)\arrow[hookrightarrow]{dl}{i}\arrow[hookrightarrow]{dr}{i^{\prime}}
     &   \\  
   (X,x) \arrow{dr} \arrow{rr}
   & & (X^{\prime}, x) \arrow{dl} \\
   & (U,u)

Best Answer

The thickness problem seems to be a viewer issue. For the hook in the second diagram you can use a direct TikZ expression for the arrow; with the key swap you can change the side of the arrow chosen for the label.


\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small] 
  \arrow[left hook->,swap]{dl}{i} % <-- reflect the direction of the hook
  \arrow{dr} \arrow{rr} 
(X', x)
  \arrow{dl} \\

It's easier to type i' for i^{\prime} and the output is exactly the same. Never leave blank lines in the code for a tikzcd.

enter image description here