[Tex/LaTex] Omit overlapping xtick labels


So right now I have something like this:

enter image description here

As you can see, the xticks on the second (smaller) plot are a complete mess. Is it possible to just show 3 values (the first, midpoint and last ones)?

Secondly, is it possible to place something like a ~ or // break symbol at the beginning of the smaller plot, as it just shows the last 10 values of the bigger plot?

Best Answer

To add axis discontinuity use axis option axis x discontinuity=crunch|parallel|none (only one of the three, your choice) as explained in pgfplots manual at page 123.

With option xtick of the axis environment you can choose what ticks to show, just type them inside brackets in xtick={} and separate them with ,.

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