[Tex/LaTex] ny way to create columns inside a tikzposter block


I am trying to split a tikzposter block within different columns. The columns enviroment works for splitting the poster and insert blocks inside. However the columns environment does not work inside the block.

Here's a MWE:

\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm, blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]{tikzposter}

\usepackage{filecontents}% http://ctan.org/pkg/filecontents
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum

  \begin{tikzfigure}[Some nice caption for the figure]
      \draw [color=red] (0,0) rectangle (20,10) node [midway] {\huge myFigure};




\column{0.7} \block{FigureOutside Block}{

\column{0.3} \block{}{

% Text and figure Inside the Block
\block{Text and figure Block}{
\column{0.7} \lipsum[1]
\column{0.3} \input{./myDummyPictureCode.tex}


MWE output

Is there anyway to achieve the desired result?

Best Answer

You can always use a minipage:

\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm, blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]{tikzposter}

\usepackage{filecontents}% http://ctan.org/pkg/filecontents
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum

  \begin{tikzfigure}[Some nice caption for the figure]
      \draw [color=red] (0,0) rectangle (20,10) node [midway] {\huge myFigure};




\column{0.7} \block{FigureOutside Block}{

\column{0.3} \block{}{

% Text and figure Inside the Block
\block{Text and figure Block}{


enter image description here

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