[Tex/LaTex] Numbering Theorems/Definitions in Lyx according to Subsection, Line Breaks after Text


I am currently using Document > Settings > Modules > Theorems (Numbered by Type within Sections) in Lyx.

However, I need my theorems/definitions to be numbered according to subsection instead. i.e.

2 Introduction

2.1 Subsection …

Definition 2.1.1

Theorem 2.1.2

2.2 Subsection 2

Theorem 2.2.1

Additionally, I also want the text after the labels to be in a new line (instead of continuing after the bold text), i.e.

Definition 2.2.2

The definition of formula is…

I would also like to state that I am rather new to lyx so I am not familiar with editing TeX code (if required) in the editor so detailed steps would really be appreciated.

Thank you!

Edit 1: MWE (I removed mostly font related code)

% Preview source code

#LyX 2.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset toc
LatexCommand tableofcontents



\begin_layout Standard
\paragraph_spacing onehalf
\begin_inset Newpage newpage


\begin_layout Section
\paragraph_spacing onehalf
\series bold
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Section
\paragraph_spacing onehalf
Title 2

\begin_layout Subsection
\paragraph_spacing onehalf
Sub 1

\begin_layout Subsection
\paragraph_spacing onehalf
Sub 2

\begin_layout Definition
My first definition


Best Answer

I do not know whether it's possible from within LyX, but here is what you have to add to you preamble to obtain it:

{5pt}{4pt}% spaces added before and after the environment
{\bfseries}{}% % Note that final punctuation is omitted.

{5pt}{4pt}% spaces added before and after the environment
{\bfseries}{}% % Note that final punctuation is omitted.

enter image description here

Here is the full code (slightly modified):


{5pt}{4pt}% spaces added before and after the environment
{\bfseries}{}% % Note that final punctuation is omitted.

{5pt}{4pt}% spaces added before and after the environment
{\bfseries}{}% % Note that final punctuation is omitted.


\subsection{A first subsection}

  A silly test theorem. A silly test theorem. A silly test theorem. A silly test theorem. A silly test theorem.

 This is a \texttt{defbreak} style example. Some text. Some more text. Some more text. Some more text.
