[Tex/LaTex] Numbering of displayed math without using the equation environment


I know about align and equation environments, and tend to use them most of the time, but sometimes I like to have more flexibility within an array of equations, like better control on justification and horizontal spacing.
In that case, I use an array environment.
The only downside of this method (that I know of) is the fixed vertical spacing, but for equation arrays wherein every line has the same height, it is usually ok.

For reference, here is my code :




    \frac{\partial^{#1}#2}{\partial #3^{#1}}


    \frac{\diff^{#1}#2}{\diff #3^{#1}}


        \diff J^\pm 
            & \defeq \diff u\pm \frac{1}{C}\diff p 
            & =\left(F\pm\frac{1}{C}G\pdc{p}{e}{V}\right)\diff t 
            & \text{ along a path defined by } \td{\xi}{t}=\pm C,\\
        \diff S
            & \defeq \diff p + C^2 \diff V
            & =G\pdc{p}{e}{V} \diff t 
            & \text{ along a path defined by } \td{\xi}{t}=0

    \diff J^\pm 
        & \defeq \diff u\pm \frac{1}{C}\diff p 
        & =\left(F\pm\frac{1}{C}G\pdc{p}{e}{V}\right)\diff t 
        & \text{ along a path defined by } \td{\xi}{t}=\pm C,\\
    \diff S
        & \defeq \diff p + C^2 \diff V
        & =G\pdc{p}{e}{V} \diff t 
        & \text{ along a path defined by } \td{\xi}{t}=0.

Here is what the code produces.

So, my question is : is there a way to manually add tags inside displayed math ? Alternatively, is there a better way to proceed, or a better environment, for such cases ?

Best Answer

An alignat* environment is more suitable here than align* or an array (within a display-math environment). See below.

For numbering lines, you can use the command \numberthis which I define below. That command takes one optional argument, which if not empty, is used to create a label for cross-referencing. (Thanks to wasteofspace for his/her comments.)

Also, see David Carlisle's recommendation regarding the (ab)use of \ensuremath.

enter image description here





    \frac{\partial^{#1}#2}{\partial #3^{#1}}


    \frac{\diff^{#1}#2}{\diff #3^{#1}}


        &\diff J^\pm 
            && \defeq \diff u\pm \frac{1}{C}\diff p 
            && =\left(F\pm\frac{1}{C}G\pdc{p}{e}{V}\right)\diff t 
            && \text{ along a path defined by } \td{\xi}{t}=\pm C,\\[1em]
        &\diff S
            && \defeq \diff p + C^2 \diff V
            && =G\pdc{p}{e}{V} \diff t 
            && \text{ along a path defined by } \td{\xi}{t}=0 \numberthis[ju]
Equation \ref{eq:ju} is of interest for\ldots