[Tex/LaTex] Number listings the same way as figures and tables


For numbering figures and tables with 1 depth level like this:

Figure 1.2
Table 3.13

I use the package:


I wanted to get the same effect for code listings usepackage listings but the compiler says that chngcntr doesnt support listings. How can I accomplish this effect? I would appreciate all help.

Best Answer

Here is a solution.

The counter lstlisting is defined using \AtBeginDocument so the change must be done after \begin{document} or using \AtBeginDocument

\begin{lstlisting}[caption={bla bla},label=list]
for i:=maxint to 0 do
{ do nothing }

Write(’Case insensitive ’);
WritE(’Pascal keywords.’);
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={bla bla},label=list]
for i:=maxint to 0 do
{ do nothing }

Write(’Case insensitive ’);
WritE(’Pascal keywords.’);