[Tex/LaTex] Nomenclatures not working when using package nomencl


When I try to use a simple nomenclatures example, such as:




\nomenclature{$c$}{Speed of light in a vacuum inertial frame}
\nomenclature{$h$}{Planck constant}


It doesn't display the nomenclatures. I think the problem has to do with my builder. The following is shown in my console when I build the .tex file:

TraditionalBuilder: Engine: pdflatex. Invoking latexmk... done.

I am using Sublime Text to build my code. How do I add the appropriate builders?


The builder that I am using is the following:

# ST2/ST3 compat
from __future__ import print_function
import sublime
if sublime.version() < '3000':
    # we are on ST2 and Python 2.X
    _ST3 = False
    _ST3 = True

from pdfBuilder import PdfBuilder

DEBUG = False

DEFAULT_COMMAND_LATEXMK = ["latexmk", "-cd", "-e", "-f", "-%E",
                    "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1"]

DEFAULT_COMMAND_WINDOWS_MIKTEX = ["texify", "-b", "-p", "--engine=%E",

# TraditionalBuilder class
# Implement existing functionality, more or less
# NOTE: move this to a different file, too
class TraditionalBuilder(PdfBuilder):

    def __init__(self, tex_root, output, engine, options,
                 tex_directives, builder_settings, platform_settings):
        # Sets the file name parts, plus internal stuff
        super(TraditionalBuilder, self).__init__(tex_root, output, engine,
            options, tex_directives, builder_settings, platform_settings)
        #Now do our own initialization: set our name
        self.name = "Traditional Builder"
        # Display output?
        self.display_log = builder_settings.get("display_log", False)
        # Build command, with reasonable defaults
        plat = sublime.platform()
        # Figure out which distro we are using
            distro = platform_settings["distro"]
        except KeyError: # default to miktex on windows and texlive elsewhere
            if plat == 'windows':
                distro = "miktex"
                distro = "texlive"
        if distro in ["miktex", ""]:
            default_command = DEFAULT_COMMAND_WINDOWS_MIKTEX
        else: # osx, linux, windows/texlive, everything else really!
            default_command = DEFAULT_COMMAND_LATEXMK
        self.cmd = builder_settings.get("command", default_command)

    # Very simple here: we yield a single command
    # Only complication is handling custom tex engines
    def commands(self):
        # Print greeting
        self.display("\n\nTraditionalBuilder: ")

        # See if the root file specifies a custom engine
        engine = self.engine
        cmd = self.cmd[:] # Warning! If I omit the [:], cmd points to self.cmd!

        # check if the command even wants the engine selected
        engine_used = False
        for c in cmd:
            if "%E" in c:
                engine_used = True

        texify = cmd[0] == 'texify'
        latexmk = cmd[0] == 'latexmk'

        if not engine_used:
            self.display("Your custom command does not allow the engine to be selected\n\n")
            self.display("Engine: {0}. ".format(engine))

            if texify:
                # texify's --engine option takes pdftex/xetex/luatex as acceptable values
                engine = engine.replace("la","")
            elif latexmk:
                if "la" not in engine:
                    # latexmk options only supports latex-specific versions
                    engine = {
                        "pdftex": "pdflatex",
                        "xetex": "xelatex",
                        "luatex": "lualatex"

            for i, c in enumerate(cmd):
                cmd[i] = c.replace(
                    "-%E", "-" + engine if texify or engine != 'pdflatex' else '-pdf'
                ).replace("%E", engine)

        # handle any options
        if texify or latexmk:
            for option in self.options:
                if texify:
                    cmd.append("--tex-option=\"" + option + "\"")
                    cmd.append("-latexoption=\"" + option + "\"")

        # texify wants the .tex extension; latexmk doesn't care either way
        yield (cmd + [self.tex_name], "Invoking " + cmd[0] + "... ")


        # This is for debugging purposes 
        if self.display_log:
            self.display("\nCommand results:\n")

Best Answer

The nomencl uses makeindex in order to process the generated nomenclatures. That is, you need to the following steps:

pdflatex niccolo.tex
makeindex niccolo.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o niccolo.nls
pdflatex niccolo.tex

Depending on the editor, adding the intermediate makeindex steps will vary a lot, and unfortunately I am not familiar with Sublime Text, so I can't help you with that directly.

However, it seems to use latexmk which takes care of a lot of auxiliary files, but in this case, it doesn't know about nomencl's auxiliary files. Fortunately, we can tell it what to do with these files by adding the following lines to .latexmkrc:

# Provide support for Nomencl
add_cus_dep('nlo', 'nls', 0, 'run_makenomencl');
push @generated_exts, 'nlo', 'nls';

sub run_makenomencl {
    if ( $silent ) {
        system "makeindex -q '$_[0].nlo' -s nomencl.ist -o '$_[0].nls'";
    else {
        system "makeindex '$_[0].nlo' -s nomencl.ist -o '$_[0].nls'";

The latexmk looks for the file .latexmkrc either in your home directory (~/.latexmkrc) or in the same directory as the .tex file (/some/path/.latexmkrc). If the file doesn't exist, you will need to create it and note that .latexmkrc is not the extension, but the full file name. The one in the home directory will affect every run of LatexMk (though not for other users) whilst the one in the TeX file's directory will only affect LatexMk runs in that directory.

Once you've added these lines (and perhaps created the file as well), it should all work fine by calling:

latexmk niccolo.tex




Let \(c = \hbar = 1\)
\nomenclature{$c$}{Speed of light in any frame}
\nomenclature{$\hbar$}{Reduced Planck constant}



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