[Tex/LaTex] Nomenclature with elsarticle and TeXnicCenter


I know this question has been asked many times before, and I have tried all the solutions given in the corresponding answers, but still I do not get a nomenclature printed in my PDF:


% works when adding this command
makeindex -s nomencl.ist -o \jobname.nls -t \jobname.nlg \jobname.nlo%






This is what I have typed in my LaTeX=>PDF profile under MakeIndex:

"%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind" ; "%tm.nlo" –s nomencl.ist -o  "%tm.nls"

There is no .nls file generated and the PDF shows an empty box where the nomenclature should be printed.

Any suggestions what I might be doing wrong?

EDIT: When adding the following lines (copied from this post):

makeindex -s nomencl.ist -o \jobname.nls -t   \jobname.nlg \jobname.nlo%

I get the desired PDF. Any ideas why the command in the output profile is not executed?

Best Answer

Your options for MakeIndex in the TeXnicCenter output profile is wrong.

"%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind" ; "%tm.nlo" –s nomencl.ist -o  "%tm.nls"

For me it seems you want to generate an index ("%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind") and an nomenclature ("%tm.nlo" –s nomencl.ist -o "%tm.nls"). TexnicCenter can only start one run of makeindex, so if you really want to have both makeindex run, you need to use the preprocessor to add there a batch containing the makeindex command with needed options like

makeindex "%tm.nlo" –s nomencl.ist -o  "%tm.nls"

and left only the options

"%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind"

for the direct run of makeindex via TeXnicCenter.

Your given MWE does not indicate that you need an index. If that is true please change the options for makeindex in TeXnicCenter to

"%tm.nlo" –s nomencl.ist -o  "%tm.nls"

See also my answer to question How to create nomenclature using TeXnicCenter? for more infos for the last idea.

With an current MiKTeX 2.9 and the following configuration (see the red arrows in the image)

TeXnicCenter configuration

and your given MWE I get the following result:

enter image description here

I defined a new output profile via build menu point, copied the original LaTeX->PDF to LaTeX nomencl->PDF (or simular) and changed there the options for MakeIndex as showed in the configuration image. Then just use the compile button of TeXnicCenter ...

Please compare your .log file with mine:

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